Crop Seed
Food Plot Seed
- We stock seed for food plots for wildlife. Grass-fed venison anyone? Clovers, brassicas, grasses, buckwheat, winter peas, sugar beets, turnips, switchgrass, radishes, Egyptian wheat, and soybeans.
Lawn & Garden Seed
- We stock 3 varieties of bulk lawn seed: sun, shade, and a mix
- Our bulk garden seed from Beans to Zucchini by the scoop or the pound have planted many gardens for years!! Seed potatoes too!
Dry Fertilizer
Urea, Potash, Pelleted Lime, Ammonium Sulfate, MAP, Super U, Micronutrients, Custom Mixing
Liquid Fertilizer
28, 10-34-0, Micronutrients, Custom Mixing
Crop Protection
Herbicides including Glyphosate, Insecticides, Fungicides, Restricted Use Pesticides (available if licensed)
Soil testing
Grab a bag and pull your own samples or we can grid sample for larger fields to fine tune your fertilization program. We do not stop there but can review your results and help with recommendations.
Grid Sample
Multiple sampling points at each numbered location.
Application map
More lime or fertilizer recommended in darker locations.
We have spreaders available for rent or we can custom apply to your specifications. After hours pick up is often an option if needed.
We can custom spread ag lime for PH balancing.
Custom Spraying
We are now even better equipped with a new 120’ boom self-propelled sprayer and a 90’ boom model. Many acres or few we do our best to accommodate your requests. Our operators are certified and have many seasons of experience. Weed control, insect protection, fungicide and fertilizer application. We are ready to roll!